Guns N' Roses - Gn'R Lies

Broché - 01/12/1990 - Cherry Lane Music - 0 pages

Le Pitch

Guns n' Roses' rough and gritty rock sound took them all the way to the top of the pop charts with their massive debut Appetite for destruction. Lies is the follow-up album, essentially an EP which filled the gap between their debut and the more ambitious double album Use your illusions. It combines their live EP Live like a suicide with four new studio tracks with ripping anthems such as Reckless life, a smoking cover of Aerosmith's Mama Kin and the top ten single Patience. This matching songbook includes all the songs from the album arranged for guitar tab. Afficher moins Afficher plus
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Guns N' Roses - Gn'R Lies

Broché - 01/12/1990 - Cherry Lane Music - 0 pages

Prix réduit46,55 €
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Le Pitch

Guns n' Roses' rough and gritty rock sound took them all the way to the top of the pop charts with their massive debut Appetite for destruction. Lies is the follow-up album, essentially an EP which filled the gap between their debut and the more ambitious double album Use your illusions. It combines their live EP Live like a suicide with four new studio tracks with ripping anthems such as Reckless life, a smoking cover of Aerosmith's Mama Kin and the top ten single Patience. This matching songbook includes all the songs from the album arranged for guitar tab. Afficher moins Afficher plus
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