The New Kornshell: Command and Programming Language

Broché - 26/04/1995 - Prentice Hall - 416 pages

Le Pitch

For both new users with little computer or shell experience, and for experienced computer users who are familiar with ksh and/or other shells. This is a Second Edition of the best-selling guide to the KornShell command and programming languge by the original inventors of the language. It provides a specification for the KornShell language, tutorial material for those new to ksh (the program that implements the KornShell language), and a comprehensive reference and for all ksh users. Afficher moins Afficher plus
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The New Kornshell: Command and Programming Language

Broché - 26/04/1995 - Prentice Hall - 416 pages

Prix neuf: 69,70 € Economisez 87 % - 87 %
Prix réduit9,06 €
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Produit collecté et traité en France.

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Le Pitch

For both new users with little computer or shell experience, and for experienced computer users who are familiar with ksh and/or other shells. This is a Second Edition of the best-selling guide to the KornShell command and programming languge by the original inventors of the language. It provides a specification for the KornShell language, tutorial material for those new to ksh (the program that implements the KornShell language), and a comprehensive reference and for all ksh users. Afficher moins Afficher plus
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