Pouvoirs d'attraction serie #2

The Girlfriend

Grand Format - 18/09/2015 - HAUTEVILLE - 480 pages

33 notes
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Le Pitch

Sophie Scaife's career takes a turn when she realizes she is pregnant by her ex-boss, the very attractive and wealthy Neil Elwood. This complicates things even more as a bad news forces Neil to return to England. Is Sophie ready to give up everything to follow him? After the light-hearted beginnings, it's time to commit wholeheartedly. Even in the darkest hours, these insatiable lovers never lack imagination to spice up their daily lives... Afficher moins Afficher plus
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Pouvoirs d'attraction serie #2

The Girlfriend

Grand Format - 18/09/2015 - HAUTEVILLE - 480 pages

33 notes
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Prix neuf: 5,99 € Economisez 17 % - 17 %
Prix réduit4,95 €
Livré entre : 11 janvier - 14 janvier
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Le Pitch

Sophie Scaife's career takes a turn when she realizes she is pregnant by her ex-boss, the very attractive and wealthy Neil Elwood. This complicates things even more as a bad news forces Neil to return to England. Is Sophie ready to give up everything to follow him? After the light-hearted beginnings, it's time to commit wholeheartedly. Even in the darkest hours, these insatiable lovers never lack imagination to spice up their daily lives... Afficher moins Afficher plus
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