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  • Quelques légères marques d’usure (marque de crayon, page un peu écornée)
  • Aucune page n’est manquante
  • La couverture est intacte


  • Livre usagé avec des marques d’usure visibles  (marques de crayon, pages écornées, petites annotations)
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  • La couverture de protection peut être manquante



Broché - LATTES - 384 pages - Publication: 05 septembre 2018

Le Pitch

Janet Flanner's story is inseparable from that of the New Yorker, where she was the Paris correspondent for half a century. Feminist, pacifist, gay, seductress, brilliant stylist with biting humor, this American was a figure of the intellectual and artistic Paris of the post-war period. From the thirties, she perceived the totalitarian threat. Chronicler of Parisian life, she then became a political journalist and investigator, and traveled through Europe to bear witness to her time – Hitler, Pétain, Nuremberg, McCarthyism, Matisse, Braque, Malraux, De Gaulle are among her most striking reports and portraits. For the first time, Michèle Fitoussi brings to life the woman who, long before Truman Capote, Tom Wolfe or Gay Talese, invented literary journalism, but who only achieved fame towards the end of her life, when she was awarded the National Book Award. This biography, which reads like a novel, and where we meet Ernest Hemingway, Nancy Cunard, Sylvia Beach, Natalie Barney or Gertrud Stein, transports us from Indianapolis to Orgeval, from the Paris of the lost generation to the America of the New Yorker, following in the footsteps of a resolutely free woman who wanted to be the traveler of her century.
Détails du livre



Broché - LATTES - 384 pages - Publication: 05 septembre 2018

Il ne reste plus que 1 exemplaire(s) en stock
20,00 € - 80 %
Prix réduit3,94 € Prix normal


Livré entre : 30 novembre - 3 décembre
Livraison gratuite (FR et BE) à partir de 20 €

Retour GRATUIT sous 14 jours.

Paiement sécurisé

Achat engagé

Produit collecté et traité en France.

972 g de CO2eq en moins par rapport au neuf.

Le Pitch

Janet Flanner's story is inseparable from that of the New Yorker, where she was the Paris correspondent for half a century. Feminist, pacifist, gay, seductress, brilliant stylist with biting humor, this American was a figure of the intellectual and artistic Paris of the post-war period. From the thirties, she perceived the totalitarian threat. Chronicler of Parisian life, she then became a political journalist and investigator, and traveled through Europe to bear witness to her time – Hitler, Pétain, Nuremberg, McCarthyism, Matisse, Braque, Malraux, De Gaulle are among her most striking reports and portraits. For the first time, Michèle Fitoussi brings to life the woman who, long before Truman Capote, Tom Wolfe or Gay Talese, invented literary journalism, but who only achieved fame towards the end of her life, when she was awarded the National Book Award. This biography, which reads like a novel, and where we meet Ernest Hemingway, Nancy Cunard, Sylvia Beach, Natalie Barney or Gertrud Stein, transports us from Indianapolis to Orgeval, from the Paris of the lost generation to the America of the New Yorker, following in the footsteps of a resolutely free woman who wanted to be the traveler of her century.
Détails du livre

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