Le Pitch
Présentation de l'éditeur
What qualities does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?
Are some business ideas better than others, and how can I pick the one that′s right for me?
How do I obtain financing to start a business? How do I write a successful business plan?
What is the secret to finding and keeping customers?
How do I find, hire, motivate, and retain great employees?
For answers to these and other critical questions on the minds of every entrepreneur and aspiring business owner today, there is no better source than those who have been there and done it. Few entrepreneurs have achieved the level of business success realized by the gurus covered here. Now you can find out what they have to say about the most practical aspects of starting and succeeding in the business of your dreams. The Guru Guide(TM) to Entrepreneurship is an indispensable source of inspiration and ideas for anyone who runs, or dreams of running, a business of their own. Some of the Gurus you′ll meet:
Paul Allen, cofounder, Microsoft Corporation
J. Walter Anderson, cofounder, White Castle
Mary Kay Ash, founder, Mary Kay Cosmetics
Jeff Bezos, founder, Amazon.com
Richard Branson, founder, the Virgin Group
Charles Brewer, founder, Mindspring.com
Warren Buffett, owner, Berkshire Hathaway
Ben Cohen, cofounder, Ben & Jerry′s Ice Cream
Michael Dell, founder, Dell Computers
Debbi Fields, founder, Mrs. Fields Cookies, Inc.
Bill Gates, cofounder, Microsoft Corporation
Earl Graves, founder, Black Enterprise
Steve Jobs, cofounder, Apple Computer, Inc.
Herb Kelleher, founder, Southwest Airlines
Phil Knight, cofounder, Nike Corporation
Ray Kroc, founder, McDonald′s Corporation
Edwin Land, founder, Polaroid Corporation
Charles Lazarus, founder, Toys "R" Us
Bill Lear, founder, Lear Jet Corporation
Tom Monaghan, founder, Domino′s Pizza
Akio Morita, cofounder, Sony Corporation
Fred Smith, founder, Federal Express
Thomas Stemberg, cofounder, Staples, Inc.
Dave Thomas, founder, Wendy′s International, Inc.
Jay Van Andel, cofounder, Amway Corporation
Sam Walton, founder, Wal–Mart Stores, Inc.
Revue de presse
"It is a working asset no entrepreneur or aspiring business owner should be without." (Eurobusiness, February 2001)
"It is a working asset no entrepreneur or aspiring business owner should be without."(Eurobusiness, February 2001)
Quatrième de couverture
What qualities does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?
Are some business ideas better than others, and how can I pick the one that′s right for me?
How do I obtain financing to start a business? How do I write a successful business plan?
What is the secret to finding and keeping customers?
How do I find, hire, motivate, and retain great employees?
For answers to these and other critical questions on the minds of every entrepreneur and aspiring business owner today, there is no better source than those who have been there and done it. Few entrepreneurs have achieved the level of business success realized by the gurus covered here. Now you can find out what they have to say about the most practical aspects of starting and succeeding in the business of your dreams. The Guru Guide(TM) to Entrepreneurship is an indispensable source of inspiration and ideas for anyone who runs, or dreams of running, a business of their own. Some of the Gurus you′ll meet:
∗ Paul Allen, cofounder, Microsoft Corporation
∗ J. Walter Anderson, cofounder, White Castle
∗ Mary Kay Ash, founder, Mary Kay Cosmetics
∗ Jeff Bezos, founder, Amazon.com
∗ Richard Branson, founder, the Virgin Group
∗ Charles Brewer, founder, Mindspring.com
∗ Warren Buffett, owner, Berkshire Hathaway
∗ Ben Cohen, cofounder, Ben & Jerry′s Ice Cream
∗ Michael Dell, founder, Dell Computers
∗ Debbi Fields, founder, Mrs. Fields Cookies, Inc.
∗ Bill Gates, cofounder, Microsoft Corporation
∗ Earl Graves, founder, Black Enterprise
∗ Steve Jobs, cofounder, Apple Computer, Inc.
∗ Herb Kelleher, founder, Southwest Airlines
∗ Phil Knight, cof
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