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Description de l’état d’un livre :

Très bon :

  • Livre en excellent état, presque comme neuf, il a été lu très peu de fois
  • Présence de quelques marques d’usure mais à peine perceptibles
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  • Livre déjà lu et usagé
  • Quelques légères marques d’usure (marque de crayon, page un peu écornée)
  • Aucune page n’est manquante
  • La couverture est intacte


  • Livre usagé avec des marques d’usure visibles  (marques de crayon, pages écornées, petites annotations)
  • Aucune page n’est manquante, marques d’usure sans nuire à la lecture (marques de crayon, pages écornées, petites annotations)
  • Les accessoires sont présents mais peuvent avoir des marques d’usure
  • La couverture de protection peut être manquante

Diccionari Oxford Pocket Català Per A Estudiants D'Angles. Català-Anglès/Anglès-Català (Diccionario Oxford Pocket) - 9780194419284: Revised edition of ... for Catalan-speaking learners of English

Broché - Oxford University Press - 793 pages - Publication: 21 février 2012

Le Pitch

This completely revised edition of the Diccionari Oxford Pocket Catala contains the latest vocabulary and many new additional features, with a focus on helping students to build their vocabulary and improve their English skills. New in this edition is an 'I can talk about...' section which helps students to expand their topic vocabulary and then encourages them to make active use of it. This section also helps students to develop their dictionary skills and to make the most of the dictionary. Another new feature is a communication section, which gives useful examples of everyday English and provides practice exercises to develop students' speaking and vocabulary skills. The Oxford 3000TM keywords are highlighted to help students identify the most important words to learn. The example sentences are corpus-based, which means they are authentic, natural, and up-to-date. Usage notes throughout the dictionary explain difficult or confusing words or phrases, or give extra in Published On: 2012-02-21
Détails du livre

Diccionari Oxford Pocket Català Per A Estudiants D'Angles. Català-Anglès/Anglès-Català (Diccionario Oxford Pocket) - 9780194419284: Revised edition of ... for Catalan-speaking learners of English

Broché - Oxford University Press - 793 pages - Publication: 21 février 2012

Il ne reste plus que 1 exemplaire(s) en stock
Il ne reste plus que 1 exemplaire(s) en stock
Prix réduit8,48 €


Livré entre : 27 novembre - 30 novembre
Livraison gratuite (FR et BE) à partir de 20 €

Retour GRATUIT sous 14 jours.

Paiement sécurisé

Achat engagé

Produit collecté et traité en France.

1702 g de CO2eq en moins par rapport au neuf.

Le Pitch

This completely revised edition of the Diccionari Oxford Pocket Catala contains the latest vocabulary and many new additional features, with a focus on helping students to build their vocabulary and improve their English skills. New in this edition is an 'I can talk about...' section which helps students to expand their topic vocabulary and then encourages them to make active use of it. This section also helps students to develop their dictionary skills and to make the most of the dictionary. Another new feature is a communication section, which gives useful examples of everyday English and provides practice exercises to develop students' speaking and vocabulary skills. The Oxford 3000TM keywords are highlighted to help students identify the most important words to learn. The example sentences are corpus-based, which means they are authentic, natural, and up-to-date. Usage notes throughout the dictionary explain difficult or confusing words or phrases, or give extra in Published On: 2012-02-21
Détails du livre

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