Chicken Little



Le Pitch

Chicken Little is a classic children's story about a young chick who mistakenly believes that the sky is falling. The book follows Chicken Little as he spreads panic among his friends, only to realize his error in the end. This timeless tale teaches valuable lessons about critical thinking and the importance of verifying information before spreading fear. With charming illustrations and a humorous storyline, Chicken Little is sure to be a hit with young readers. Afficher moins Afficher plus
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Chicken Little



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Livré entre : 12 janvier - 15 janvier
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Le Pitch

Chicken Little is a classic children's story about a young chick who mistakenly believes that the sky is falling. The book follows Chicken Little as he spreads panic among his friends, only to realize his error in the end. This timeless tale teaches valuable lessons about critical thinking and the importance of verifying information before spreading fear. With charming illustrations and a humorous storyline, Chicken Little is sure to be a hit with young readers. Afficher moins Afficher plus
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